Q & A

  1. Who is the target group?

    We will start with 40 to 50 youngsters from the ages of 12 to 19, from all walks of life and representing all races, cultures and social levels from Copenhagen and surrounding municipalities.

  2. What is the project for?

    The project has a variety of facets. It is designed to expose the core missing ingredients that sports and physical education have to offer, i.e. the practical emotional experience. This value-added component is the key to the kids learning and understanding the experience of how to apply what they have learnt on the field off the field. The project also demonstrates how we can more successfully achieve behavioral learning and minimize coincidental learning, in other words a hopeful behavioral competent outcome.. Lastly, it addresses issues that revolve around the motivation to learn: personal interest and personal benefits, and helps answer the question on how to motivate young people.

    If you can show kids the benefits of learning something, it would create an interest if they are not already personally interested, interested by nature.

  3. Objectives

    We have the following objectives:

    1. Teach kids the benefits of learning rather than simply focus on their personal interest/skills.
    2. Demonstrate a method that will assist us in minimizing coincidental learning when it comes down to behavioral development through sports and physical education.
    3. Document that this form of coaching/teaching is progressive in the behavioral development of youngsters and that the method can be applied to all other forms of sports and activities.
    4. Introduce political and academic institutions to this surgical methodology so that the benefits can be seen.
    5. Show that behavioral competence does not discriminate, and that everyone should participate.
    6. Become financially independent.
    7. Expansion to other European countries. (Currently in talks with possible organizers of a Dutch chapter in Holland)
  4. How we plan to document our success:

    1. We aim to create an actual documentary film for national media use DR TV2.
    2. Data will include filming practices, street work, and interviewing, players, coaches, parents, and local school teachers where the kids attend.
    3. Feedback from those who participated in the program/project.
  5. Why use this methodology?

    1. It is scientifically valid, and has strong documented results.
    2. American football was used as our research context and this method has been tried in other practical sport and academic context and the overall conclusion was that, Context Manipulation is a valuable tool, “it is needed”.
    3. It is motivational to those teaching and to those learning. It is motivational in the sense that it helps us explore our creative side, we are more hands on and we can better validate our work.
    4. This particular methodology can be easily applied. It can be clinically applied in prisons, institutions, preventively in schools, youth clubs and specific programs and projects. The methodology can also be used as a progressive supplement to already existing programs/projects which are lacking that one element: to reduce coincidental learning and maximizing a more factual success rate.
    5. Other programs will be able to benefit from our experience in using sports as a development context, and move away from entertaining the youngsters. Youngsters must walk away from a training not just feeling tired, but that the training has given them some form of life lesson.
  6. How to ensure the target group attendance?

    1. We secure attendance by teaching, accountability, responsibility, excitement, fun, focus, discipline, and setting clear guidelines to achieving our goals.
    2. We train four days a week, of which three days are mandatory (be there as much as possible).
    3. Our staff consists of six coaches that share networking responsibility; each coach has his group that he has to follow up on, both on and off the field, by giving feedback, check on school, and inform parents, other).
    4. We take down attendance and follow up why someone missed practice.
    5. We will clearly outline the do and don’ts of the program to ensure that the goals are clear.
    6. We remove doubt, we believe in our ability to achieve, we support our comrades, each individual will define his own ambitions, there is place for your own personal abilities inside the team, and we have expectations.
    7. WE ARE A TEAM.
  7. What is new about the program/project?

    1. No research program/project has focused this much on minimizing coincidental learning as we have for this program/project.
    2. To teach our core values we discriminate between PUNISHMENT and DISCIPLIN (A disciplined youngster understands the consequences that punishment represents)
    3. We aim to pay attention to each behavioral goal we set.
    4. Our lesson plans are scripted: form a baseline, predict an out come based on the to be implemented strategy, verify that the predicted outcome was due to your specific intervention strategy, if successful one can replicate.
    5. We follow the guidelines of defining the targeted goal, defining the population, and evaluating the behavioral intervention process.
    6. We take into account the level of difficulty to ensure success.
    7. We acknowledge that there is a lot to learn from what our participants have to say.
  8. How will we sustain and prolong projects life line?

    1. Through academic and political interest.
    2. It will become a movement taking in youngsters on a yearly base.
    3. By practically and morally living up to the standards our supporters and backers expect.
    4. We plan to expand in Europe and expect a reaction from the European Sports Union (EU).
    5. Attitude. It makes no sense to build a program which can be used for the future and sit by looking at it become the past.
  9. Outline structure of project?

    The Cadets is a sportsforening in Brøndby Kommune that complies with all rules hereunder.

    The Cadets are structured and organized as follows:

    • The Board
    • Advisory board
    • Sports Manager
    • Coach
    • Staff
    • Partners
  10. How will the success be measured?

    1. Documentary film.
    2. Accumulated data from filming.
    3. Interviewing parents and school teachers.
    4. Feedback from the kids after ending the program.
    5. Feedback from authorities in the different local communities. (Social workers, SSP, Police)
    6. Feedback from the nation.

    Though we use recognizable terms such as program/project we think more in the terms of a movement. We find that terms like program/project has a psychological limitation ring to it.