Character building

While teams normally put a period behind winning, we put a comma, because we do not consider behavioral competency training through sports a coincidence.

Behavioral competency training is about the emotional level of learning. At CFA, we focus on the emotional triggers caused by an exercise or an activity and connect the individual to it.

For example, in a 12-man race by us, the last man gets 10 pushups, while the winner gets a 120. Here the last man is not a loser, since we do not want to put two negatives on the last man. In this case, our pushups have the value of discipline and not punishment. The more pushups he wants the harder he will have to work for them. In short, traditional punishment in sports are not used in our program. We say that ‘you can always be punished, but you have to have discipline to earn it.’

To prove how high CFA demands are the final stage of the youngsters’ training is carried out during HELL NIGHT. Here the kids are pushed to the limit throughout the night (18:00-06:00). The same method of using extreme anchoring situations is applied to our other behavioral development strategies.

The Cadet is trained to see the big picture, not just focus on, for instance, a loss, because of a dropped ball during a game, the future social success of that team mate, who dropped the ball, might make a difference in the future outcome of another team mate’s life – we can appreciate touchdown points, but we value life and interpersonal skills.

It is commonly said “leave it in the ring” or “leave it on the field” when the game is over, but we disagree; the correct character must be portrayed in and outside the ring, as well as, on and off the field, if the youngster is correctly trained/coached.

Hard work is not enough, the will to succeed is what you need!

BLOOD for beyond expectation/self sacrifice, SWEAT for hard work & TEARS for the joys of success